Friday, 21 December 2012

Draft of website so far...


This is the what the homepage of website looks like so far, I've gone for a pink/pastel colour house style; obviously the video featured on the homepage is the Rihanna deconstructed video that Chelsie, Ruby and myself deconstructed, but you get the idea!

Also, I will make 1-2 more drafts, so I have different options to choose from and I also will get audience feedback on each to see which appeals the most. 

Tuesday, 18 December 2012


I am now in the process of creating the first draft of my website's homepage. As you can see I've been looking at existing artists website's from the same or similar genre to give me an insight into what already exists and how I can modify my website to contain similar features.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Existing official websites!

Paloma Faith's website has original drawings scanned into Photo Shop and then put onto her website's homepage, this adds to the originality and abstract image that Faith always creates; in general it would appear that the website appeals to her target audience because of the abstract image, and the unconventional features that have been applied upon the website.

Florence and The Machine's website is similar to Faith's in the respect that there are original hand drawn images featured on the homepage of the website. What's noticeable for Welch's website is that there is a clear and consistent house style (green, grey and gold) thus helping the audience to establish the artist's and website's aim. Links are clearly identifiable and so are videos and images too. The website is also laid out in the style of a blog, which is great for fan's wanting to keep up take with the latest information on Welch!

This website is also set out in the style of a blog and it again has a clear and consistent house style too. The photograph of the artist is used as part of the background and layout, which adds to the more real 'ness' and authenticity from Marina reaching out to her fans. I like the way in which the links (to other websites) are clearly featured down the right hand side of the homepage.

Nutini's homepage for his website again embeds and genuine photograph of himself- promoting his European tour as well as featuring drawn images scanned into the computer, and again like Welch's and Faith's website reveals the artist's personality and unique 'ness'. Making the website a little more unprofessional is the layout of the page, it's unclear as to where the links are and what else is featured on the website.

This website is a little more symmetrical and a-line, but because it is so plain it is appealing; everything is clear and easy to find (e.g. the links for photos and news') I like the way in which there are only 4 different colours used for the house style and it is therefore consistent because of this. Some people would/could argue that the website is a little boring and ineffective, though! 

I've now downloaded the first draft of my music video and uploaded it to YouTube, rather than it being on my phone!

It's the first draft of my music video, some shots are not that great so I will be re-shooting them; also because there are many blank spaces in my video this mean that I will be adding more to the video too. 

What I still need to do...

  • Put new photographs of cast on blog
  • Shoot the 'town' shot
  • Shot of angels and clock
  • Shot of angels and Vicky pointing ‘upside down’
  • Shot of Vicky walking up hill
  • Photographs of locations on blog
  • Shoot the 'confetti' shots
  • Photographs that are to be used for ancillary texts

Friday, 7 December 2012

Timetable for week commencing: 9/12/12

This weekend...

This weekend I plan to:
  • Put up new photographs of the cast on my blog
  • Shoot the 'town' shot
  • Download the soundtrack ready to upload onto the editing suite, next week - Done 9/12/12
  • Take some photographs of the locations on blogger - Started on 11/12/12
  • Start to make the road sign - Started to make the template on 8/12/12

Thursday, 6 December 2012

First draft of my music video...

This is the first and initial draft of my music video, you cannot see it very well because I had to film it with my phone, but you can grasp what I am trying to achieve!

I'm now going to be changing this and uploading the proper draft of my video it onto Youtube...


This morning I 'officially' began editing my shots; I spent 40 minutes editing the 'test' footage and later today, I will upload what I have done (BEWARE! it's not much and is also very bad quality, but at least I know what I need to rectify and re-shoot before January!)


A list of everything I need to do by January:
  •  Shot of people in town
  •  Shot of angels and clock
  •  Shot of angels and Vicky pointing ‘upside down’
  •  Make the road sign/alternative to the road sign
  •  Shot of Vicky walking up hill
  •  Photographs of locations on blog
  •  Photographs of cast on blog -  Initially done 18/10/12
  •  Download soundtrack - Done 9/12/12
  •  Upload soundtrack - Done 13/12/12
  •  Shoot the 'confetti' shots
  •  Upload evidence of shots onto blogger - Done 7/12/12
  •  Photographs that are to be used for ancillary texts-Partially done 21/12/12
  •  Start to make drafts of website homepage- Started 17/12/12

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


On Monday (3/12/12) I uploaded all of the footage from last weekend. I've now named all of the shots and currently in the process of editing it, when I can because unfortunately as there are only 8 editing suites it's very hard to get onto my allocated suite when I need/want it. So this may take longer than anticipated and want.
Today I spent 45 minutes uploading and editing.