Monday 26 November 2012


This Sunday (25/11/12) I filmed some test shots for my video as well as some shots I hope to use in my actual video. I started filming around 2 pm until 3.30 pm; I was going to film outside but it was raining so I had to just film inside my house.
The cast got to my house at 12.30 pm to get ready, firstly I curled their hair and back combed it, then Catherine applied their eye shadow-to look really abstract, she put green onto one eye and purple onto another eye. I then put some sticky gold stars onto each angels face to get the original effect I wanted (see image and comparison photo of cast.) 

We filmed for an hour and a half, this was mostly of the initial shots for my video and also group shots of the angels too. 
I then filmed some extra shots that I want to use instead of what I originally planned, I now think they look better than what I planned to shoot. 

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