Sunday 27 January 2013

VERY rough draft of album artwork...

This shows the colour scheme and layout of the CD cover that I eventually want to produce and is in no means the final product!

What's next...

I'm now considering using an old movie effect on my video; I think it entirely fits with my soundtrack and my mise en scene, also. I'm not 100% sure if I am going to use it but I believe it would look effective and different to a conventional music video; which is what I initially wanted to set out to do because of my choice of the 'alternative' genre.

A similar effect to this!

Wednesday 23 January 2013


Quite alot has changed since the start of my planning for my music video, and since Sunday when I filmed it all I no longer require shots of people walking around the town, or, the words on a brick wall, or, a road sing either! This is because whilst I was filming on Sunday I concluded that I don't need all of the abstract props and other features I'd originally decided I wanted to use is no longer needed to pull of the effect of my video; just the performance of the cast alone alongside the makeup they're wearing and the mise-en-scene, to me, feels enough!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Wednesday 2 January 2013


After analysing the parts of my video that I have recorded, I have now decided that I will change the location of my video. I currently making enquiries into booking out my local church hall, so far I've found out that it will cost £15.00 per hour and is vastly available on Sunday afternoons, they also have a stage, which the local dramatics society use and have plenty of props which they are more than willing for me to use; the church also has a licence to play music so I will be able to play my track whilst filming too. I have made a provisional booking for 4hrs and 30mins on Sunday 20th January - this is the next available slot and also when all the cast are available too. This means that I will not be able to film until then, but it gives me a prolonged amount of time to prepare for it. I've already got the costumes (which I borrowed from my dance teacher), the wings and the halo's too; meaning that all that I have left to do is make the confetti, from scrap paper and buy some glitter covered shapes that will stand out more in the 'confetti shots' within my music video.

Since I edited the first few shots of my music video I have been speaking to my teacher and friends, who have all given me tips on how to work the camera better and also how to make the most of it too. I now feel a little more confident in what I am aiming to produce and feel that having a definate location to film, will provide me with better quality shots too.